The St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES Print Shop provides full printing service to the component school districts. The print shop can save districts time and money on the design, printing, and assembly of a job. The print shop has high speed duplicating equipment, networked color copying system and outsourced press capability for your copying and printing needs. The print shop is capable of a various number of print services that include but not limited to common core modules, district newsletters, student handbooks, purchase orders, padded forms, school calendars, contracts, stationery and envelopes, program announcements, flyers, graduation programs, posters, and banners.
Billing is on a unit of service per hour basis and will be added to regular monthly billings. The use of the Print Shop is BOCES Aidable.
Satellite Locations
Our satellite sites are located at Massena Central School, Ogdensburg City School, Norwood-Norfolk Central School, and Potsdam Central School.
Massena Central School
Contact: Maureen Donnelly
Ogdensburg City School District
Contact: Matt Dailey
Potsdam Central School
Contact: Mary Bonno
Norwood-Norfolk Central School
Contact: Hope Bond
District Support Services Links
St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES Print Shop
40 W. Main Street
Canton, NY 13617
Phone: (315) 393-3555
Email the St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES Print Shop
Publications Specialist
Kristy McDougall
Phone: (315) 393-3555 ext 40302
Account Clerk
Matt Dailey
Phone: (315) 393-3555 ext 40303