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Adapted Physical Education


Through a continuum of services, students will be provided with the most successful arena for participation in Physical Education in the least restrictive environment.

Program Description

  • A service delivery system that includes assessment, placement, prescriptive and developmental teaching, and fitness and leisure counseling.
  • A program of medically prescribed therapeutic exercise, education and adapted physical activity.
  • A diversified program of developmental activities, games, sports, and rhythms suited to the interests, capabilities and limitations of students with disabilities who may not safely or successfully engage in the vigorous activities of a general physical education program.

Who can benefit from Adapted Physical Education?

  • Physically challenged students
  • Students with motor delays
  • Students with poor physical fitness
  • Emotionally disabled students

Program Goals

  • Develop and maintain both a level and knowledge of physical fitness commensurate with the demands of daily life within a community.
  • Develop and maintain efficient fundamental motor patterns, body awareness and control.
  • Acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary for the wholesome use of leisure time.
  • Develop and play in cooperative and competitive physical activities.

Support Systems

The Adapted Physical Education Program works closely with many other programs and personnel such as: Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Regular Physical Education Teachers, Classroom Teachers, Assistants, Counselors and Community Agency Personnel (e.g. Cerebral Palsy Clinic).

Outcome of Students

The students will, through an effective delivery method, be successful in Physical Education, in the least restrictive environment.