It is our philosophy that counselors are an essential and integral part of the team of educational professionals serving the students. As part of an individual’s educational program, counseling is designed to maintain a student with special needs in the least restrictive educational learning environment.
Focus of School Counseling
Counseling is a personal interaction in which students may explore their feelings, ideas, and behaviors with a professionally trained counselor in order to:
- Strengthen the student’s relationships with peers and adults.
- Increase student understanding of behavioral choices, consequences, and self-awareness.
- Improve student’s decision making and problem solving skills in a supportive environment.
- Assist students in formulating a plan to increase their participation in the mainstream of regular education.
- Support students in transitions to post secondary life.
Who Can Benefit from Counseling
Students who may be experiencing one or more of the following:
- Acting out behaviors interfering with the educational process.
- Withdrawn or depressed behaviors.
- Academic achievement below which may be expected.
- A lack of understanding and/or acceptance of a student’s disability.
- Transition from a program, which may require either short or long range planning for the student.
- Address specific goals as developed for each student on their Individual Education Plan.
- Assess incoming student’s behavioral needs in order to develop individual treatment plans.
- Address situations in the student’s environment that may interfere with the educational process.
- Develop transition options for students currently in our programs so that home school districts can begin to formulate plans to facilitate their inclusion.
- Assist students in developing their potential so that each may have the best possible chance for living a satisfying and productive life.
Additional Services
Counseling services provided as a result of a Committee on Special Education referral may include one or more of the following services:
- Individual and/or group counseling
- Group Counseling Sessions
- Collaboration with school personnel
- Interagency Support and Case Management
- Consultations
- Crisis Intervention
Special Education Links
SLL BOCES Special Education Contact
St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES Special Education Programs
P.O. Box 231 – 40 W. Main Street
Canton, NY 13617
Phone: (315) 386-4504
Fax: (315) 379-7951
Director of Special Education
Julie Austin-Kormanyos
Phone: (315) 386-4504 ext. 10132
Special Education Program Administrative Assistant
Shelly Sanderson
Phone: (315) 386-4504 ext. 10222
Melissa Fennessy – Canton Middle School and Ogdensburg
Phone: (315) 386-8561 ext. 42103
Lori Murray – Heuvelton, Norwood and Ogdensburg
Phone: (315) 386-4504 ext. 20228
Rachel O’Donnell – Ogdensburg Elementary School
Phone: (315) 393-0900 ext. 32045
Jacqueline Bill – Potsdam High School
Phone: (315) 265-2000 ext. 36702
Kady Sharp – Potsdam Annex, Elementary and Middle School
Phone: (315) 265-2000 ext. 36121
Assistant Principal
Dillon Chichester – Potsdam High School
Phone: (315) 265-2000 ext. 36122