Occupational and physical therapists provide comprehensive therapy services for children from 3 to 21 years of age. Disability areas encompass all types of disabilities ranging from mild to profound. Services for school-aged children are available in center-based and district-based special education and regular education programs.
Occupational and physical therapy serve students with developmental delays, physical and/or neurological problems, as well as those with learning, emotional and behavioral disabilities. Both disciplines work with the educational team by:
- Assisting in providing a link between the school and related community services.
- Coordinating therapy interventions within the educational environment (classroom and vocational settings) in order to facilitate optimal function/participation.
- Providing individual programming for students.
- Providing in-service education to people involved in student’s care.
- Assisting in effective use of adapted classroom design and equipment.
- Providing information regarding the educational implications of physical impairments.
Services Provided
- Individual consultation and evaluation to identify students who are appropriate to receive therapy services within the educational setting – the evaluation may include the following areas: Motor Sills (gross, fine, sensory, oral): muscle tone, muscle strength, joint mobility, balance and coordination, self-help skills; posture; perceptual skills; sensory-motor integration.
- Assisting in selecting and monitoring adaptive equipment for positioning and mobility and functional skills.
- Consulting with other appropriate professionals in the selection and proper use of orthotics (splints and braces) and prosthetics.
- Sensory motor therapy to improve function within the educational environment.
Special Education Links
SLL BOCES Special Education Contact
St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES Special Education Programs
P.O. Box 231 – 40 W. Main Street
Canton, NY 13617
Phone: (315) 386-4504
Fax: (315) 379-7951
Director of Special Education
Julie Austin-Kormanyos
Phone: (315) 386-4504 ext. 10132
Special Education Program Administrative Assistant
Shelly Sanderson
Phone: (315) 386-4504 ext. 10222
Melissa Fennessy – Canton Middle School and Ogdensburg
Phone: (315) 386-8561 ext. 42103
Lori Murray – Heuvelton, Norwood and Ogdensburg
Phone: (315) 386-4504 ext. 20228
Rachel O’Donnell – Ogdensburg Elementary School
Phone: (315) 393-0900 ext. 32045
Jacqueline Bill – Potsdam High School
Phone: (315) 265-2000 ext. 36702
Kady Sharp – Potsdam Annex, Elementary and Middle School
Phone: (315) 265-2000 ext. 36121
Assistant Principal
Dillon Chichester – Potsdam High School
Phone: (315) 265-2000 ext. 36122