SLL BOCES Special Education classrooms in Ogdensburg provide instruction through our Management, Diverse Learning, and Life Skills programs. Our students and parents are served by a dynamic and dedicated teaching staff.
Life Skills Programs 12:1+1
Grades: K-12
Provides support for students to achieve their highest level of independence.
Students learning in this program demonstrate cognitive, speech language, motor and social emotional delays. Students will benefit from a highly structured classroom environment with a classroom management plan based on positive behavioral strategies. Explicit classroom instruction is focused on real life experiences connected to academic skills as well as functional life and prosocial skills. For high school students, secondary vocational training is included.
Management Needs Programs 8:1+I
Grades: 1-6
Provides services for students with behavioral challenges who have not been successful in a
general education setting.
Students in the program may have a history of struggling academically due to a variety of unique factors. Students benefit from frequent presets, changes in activities, and an intensive staff ratio in a highly structured classroom. This program includes counseling and behavior consultant support.
Behavioral Needs Programs 6:1+2
Grades: 7-12
Provides a highly structured program for students who are experiencing behavioral difficulties.
Students in this program have one or more mental health diagnoses and/or a history of trauma that impacts their academic learning. They may exhibit unpredictable or aggressive behavior and have difficulty with self-regulation, establishing and maintaining relationships, adult authority, classroom routines, and transitions. The program provides a structure of supports for the student’s behavioral needs. The supports may include Crisis Intervention Team availability and an area within the learning environment for de-escalation. This program includes full time counseling and behavior consultant support.
Special Education Links
SLL BOCES Special Education Contact
St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES Special Education Programs
P.O. Box 231 – 40 W. Main Street
Canton, NY 13617
Phone: (315) 386-4504
Fax: (315) 379-7951
Director of Special Education
Julie Austin-Kormanyos
Phone: (315) 386-4504 ext. 10132
Special Education Program Administrative Assistant
Shelly Sanderson
Phone: (315) 386-4504 ext. 10222
Melissa Fennessy – Canton Middle School and Ogdensburg
Phone: (315) 386-8561 ext. 42103
Lori Murray – Heuvelton, Norwood and Ogdensburg
Phone: (315) 386-4504 ext. 20228
Rachel O’Donnell – Ogdensburg Elementary School
Phone: (315) 393-0900 ext. 32045
Jacqueline Bill – Potsdam High School
Phone: (315) 265-2000 ext. 36702
Kady Sharp – Potsdam Annex, Elementary and Middle School
Phone: (315) 265-2000 ext. 36121
Assistant Principal
Dillon Chichester – Potsdam High School
Phone: (315) 265-2000 ext. 36122
Ogdensburg Special Education Programs Contact
Principal – JF Kennedy Elementary
Rachel O’Donnell
Phone: (315) 393-4264 ext.32045
Fax: (315) 394-0557