The Speech Department’s mission is to help students reach their maximum speech, communication and language potential, to become effective communicators in their community.
Program Description
The Speech/Language Therapists provide services within:
- Special Education Programs.
- Pre-School Programs.
- Regular Education Programs.
- Consultation services are also available, upon written request.
Therapy can be provided on an individual or small group basis, depending on the needs of each student. The needs are determined through a comprehensive evaluation that is completed when the child first enters a program. After the initial evaluation, the student is re-evaluated on a yearly basis to determine areas of improvement and areas that need continued therapy. The Speech/Language Therapist may also work with the classroom teacher to provide a language rich learning environment.
Program Goals
Students strive to improve:
- Articulation/Phonology Disorders (substitutions, distortions, omissions).
- LanguageSkills/Disorders (grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure).
- Oral/MotorControl (tongue, lips).
- Voice (quality, tone).
- Fluency (stuttering).
- Auditory Skills (listening, processing, following directions).
- Pragmatic/Social Skills (taking turns, eye contact, appropriate conversation).
- Augmentative/Alternative Communication.
Support Systems
The Speech/Language Therapist works with many support systems to strengthen and improve the student’s academic, social/emotional and physical functioning. These support systems include:
- Classroom Teachers/Specialists
- Counselor
- Occupational Therapist
- Audiologist
- Medical Consultants: Vision, Dental, Neurological, ENT (Ear-Nose-Throat)
- Assistive Technology Team
- Adaptive Physical Education Teachers
- Psychiatric and Psychological Services
- Physical Therapist
- Community Agencies (e.g. Social Services)
- School Nurses
Parent Involvement
The Speech/Language Therapist works toward involving parents through:
- Conferencing/frequent communication (i.e. phone calls, written reports, emails, etc.).
- Open Houses.
- Therapy or classroom observations.
- Activities sent home to help improve skills.
Parents play an important part in the student’s success. We encourage parents to be involved in the planning and carrying out of the student’s goals.
Outcome for Students
The students work toward attaining speech/language skills equivalent to their age level and/or developmental functioning level.
Special Education Links
SLL BOCES Special Education Contact
St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES Special Education Programs
P.O. Box 231 – 40 W. Main Street
Canton, NY 13617
Phone: (315) 386-4504
Fax: (315) 379-7951
Director of Special Education
Julie Austin-Kormanyos
Phone: (315) 386-4504 ext. 10132
Special Education Program Administrative Assistant
Shelly Sanderson
Phone: (315) 386-4504 ext. 10222
Melissa Fennessy – Canton Middle School and Ogdensburg
Phone: (315) 386-8561 ext. 42103
Lori Murray – Heuvelton, Norwood and Ogdensburg
Phone: (315) 386-4504 ext. 20228
Rachel O’Donnell – Ogdensburg Elementary School
Phone: (315) 393-0900 ext. 32045
Jacqueline Bill – Potsdam High School
Phone: (315) 265-2000 ext. 36702
Kady Sharp – Potsdam Annex, Elementary and Middle School
Phone: (315) 265-2000 ext. 36121
Assistant Principal
Dillon Chichester – Potsdam High School
Phone: (315) 265-2000 ext. 36122