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Vision – Blind and Visually Impaired


To teach blind and visually impaired students the necessary skills to function independently in their environment.

Program Description – Teacher of the Blind and Visually Impaired

Evaluate functional vision plan and implement program goals, including utilization of adaptive materials and technological devices, daily living skills and study skills.

Program Description – Orientation and Mobility Instructors

Teach skills that enable the visually impaired student to travel safely, efficiently, independently, and gracefully.

Provide training that includes self-protective techniques, sighted guide, can travel, concept development in the areas of body image, spatial and positional concepts, environmental awareness; and when appropriate, low vision aids and electronic travel devices; instruction in a variety of settings (indoor, outdoor, school and community).

Program Goals

  • Teach tactile map and graphic reading.
  • Teach keyboarding and basic word processing skills.
  • Teach developmental skills in Pre-K to 5 populations.
  • Support mainstreamed instruction in subject areas.
  • Teach appropriate social behavior.
  • Teach students listening skills.
  • Teach Braille reading and writing skills.
  • Teach visual efficiency skills.
  • Teach independent travel skills.
  • Teach study and daily living skills.

Parent Involvement

Parents are encouraged to become involved in their child’s school programming to work as a team with all school personnel.

Outcomes for Students

  • The student will function with adaptive materials within the classroom if necessary.
  • The student will travel independently throughout the school.
  • The student will be able to type and do basic word processing on a computer.
  • The student will engage in hands-on experience to enhance both verbal and visual output.
  • The student will use his or her vision effectively to complete daily tasks.