Welcome! Educational support services are designed to complement and enhance diverse and specialized programs provided to component school districts and the BOCES, including:
- Central School Food Management
- Farm to School Program
- Certification
- Comprehensive Public School Safety
- Cooperative Business Office
- Districts
- Cooperative Purchasing
- Drug & Alcohol Testing and Coordination
- Emergency Communication System (Bus Repeater)
- Grant Writing/Program Planning and Development
- Health and Safety Programs
- Areas that we assist districts with
- Additional Services Available
- Healthcare Administration
- Home/Hospital Instruction
- Instructional Resources
- Instructional Technology Services
- Employer/Employee Relations Service
- Learning Resources Center (LRC)/School Library System
- Personnel Recruitment
- Policy Services
- Print Shop Services
- Teacher Certification
- Section X Athletics
- Shared Facilities Management
- Shared Transportation Director
- Solid Waste Disposal
- State Aid Planning
- Workers Compensation
Central School Food Management
A centralized school food management operation on a shared service basis. Operation includes managing the food service program through hiring, training, supervision, menu planning, meeting dietary requirements, cooperative purchasing, reporting and meeting with district officials.
Farm to School Program
The New York State Farm to School program was created to connect schools and students with local farms and producers. Not only does this support local farmers, but it provides healthy food choices in schools and strengthens the local economy.
Learn more about the Farm to School Program at St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES.
BOCES provides a shared service on issues related to teacher certification. Review and analysis of academic credentials, evaluation of eligibility for teaching certification, maintenance of certification data on local staff and response to related inquiries are all performed by this office. Available through Cross Contract with Jeff-Lewis BOCES.
BOCES Aidable
General certification information can be viewed on the NYSED website.
This service will provide assistance with and evaluation of online application of candidates for NYS Certification in the areas of teaching and pupil personnel services. District staff will receive processing of applications, interpretation of data from TEACH, liaison to NYSED and workshops.
This service will also provide for the inspection and analysis of other claims for credit, determination of eligibility for issuance of teaching certificates, and the maintenance of a close communication between the Division of Teacher Education and Certification and the filed, to insure prompt responses with regard to certification concerns. Assistance is provided to component and neighboring districts and certificated staff in those districts in the area of Temporary Coaching licenses as well.
Comprehensive Public School Safety
A code enforcement person to perform the visual structural inspection(s) and assist in the generation of five year reports, school report card, and other items required under Section 155 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education. Cross Contract with Jeff-Lewis BOCES.
Cooperative Business Office
A shared service which provides participating component school districts with a centralized business office operation, including the services of a professional business manager and support personnel for the functions of accounting, accounts payable, claims auditing and payroll.
- Brasher Falls Central School
- Clifton-Fine Central School
- Edwards-Knox Central School
- Harrisville Central School
- Heuvelton Central School
- Morristown Central School
- Massena Central School
- Ogdensburg City School
- Parishville-Hopkinton Central School
- Potsdam Central School
Cooperative Purchasing
This service offers individual districts large-volume purchasing power by combining the bids of several districts throughout the St. Lawrence-Lewis, Jefferson-Lewis, Franklin, and Clinton-Essex BOCES. Items are bid in a variety of categories including: cafeteria foods, school supplies, custodial supplies, transportation supplies, fuels and utilities.
Learn more about Cooperative Purchasing at St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES.
Drug & Alcohol Testing and Coordination
This service was developed to assist schools in complying with the Federal mandate regarding drug and alcohol testing of bus drivers and others holding a commercial driver’s license. BOCES will coordinate the services of a contractor who will perform on-site collection, provide laboratory analysis and medical review officer services, and will also provide record keeping and training services. Cross contract with Jeff-Lewis BOCES.
Emergency Communication System (Bus Repeater)
This service provides communication between buses, school districts, and emergency services. Technical assistance and radio evaluation is available.
Grant Writing/Program Planning and Development
Services include grant writing, grant implementation, creating and building partnerships with school districts, community organizations and higher education and helping districts develop programs and share resources.
COSER 665.490
This COSER provides participating districts the opportunity to participate in grant programs through federal, state, local, and private sources, offering assistance in grant writing and grant implementation. Available through Cross Contract with Jeff- Lewis BOCES.
BOCES Aidable
Health and Safety Programs
This service assists local school districts in coordinating and implementing a Health-Risk Management program to comply with state and federal regulations. Examples of compliance issues include: asbestos, radon, lead, OSHA, hazardous waste disposal, indoor air quality and a safe school environment for students and staff members. Assistance is also available with emergency plans, safety plans, training and fingerprinting.
Through our cross contract, the Jefferson Lewis BOCES Safety Department provides environmental and occupational safety guidance to school districts. We offer a comprehensive safety program dedicated to minimize hazards and unsafe practices. We assist districts in understanding , interpreting and complying with state and federal laws that pertain to schools. We are committed to providing the highest level of compliance and training.
Areas that we assist districts with
- Fire and Building Inspections
- Asbestos Inspections & LEA Training
- OSHA & PESH Regulations Concerning Worker Safety
- EPA & DEC Regulations Concerning Environmental Safety
- Chemical Hygiene Training
- Required Chemical & Blood Borne Pathogen Training
- Indoor Air Quality
- Respirator Protection Planning
- Written Safety Plans
- Job Hazard Assessment
- Personal Protective Equipment Training
- Fire Safety Training
- Integrated Pest Management
- Petroleum Storage Tank Assistance
- Automatic External Defibrillator Compliance
- Violence Intervention & Prevention Workshops
- Fingerprinting service
- Regulatory updates
Additional Services Available
- Indoor Mold Testing
- Radon Testing
- Hazardous Waste Disposal
- Electronics and Bulb Disposal
Healthcare Administration
This COSER administers benefits and processes the health care claims of participating districts. Service is charged by the level of health care enrollees. Health Care Administration also administers the Flexible Spending Plan, which processes the eligible medical, dental, adoption, premium expense reimbursement plan as well as the dependent child care claims for participating districts. The service is charged by the number of enrollees participating in the Flexible Spending Plan. The Health Care Administration also administers the GASB 45/Post Employment Benefit Actuarial Valuation by participating district.
Home/Hospital Instruction
This service is provided as needed to students who are hospitalized or confined to the home due to illness, surgery, etc. Cross-contracts can be requested for hospitals outside this area.
Instructional Resources
The Instructional Resources program provides shared teachers, school improvement services, enrichment programs, and professional development. Programs are guided by the mission of providing the best in educational services to our districts through information, consultation, and training.
Learn more about Instructional Resources at St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES.
Instructional Technology Services
The Administrative and Instructional Technology Services support instructional technology as well as administrative, student and networking systems. This service is a collaborative effort between the St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES and the Northeastern Regional Information Center (NERIC) which encompasses a seven BOCES region. Through this cooperative effort, BOCES aid is available on all approved services
Learn more about Instructional Technology Services.
Employer/Employee Relations Service
The SLL BOCES Employer/Employee Relations Service is designed to assist school districts in managing labor relations effectively.
This service offers a wide range of support, including collective bargaining agreement negotiation, interpretation, and management. It also provides representation in disciplinary matters, improper practice hearings, and various labor-related proceedings.
Learn more about the SLL BOCES Employer/Employee Relations Service.
Learning Resources Center (LRC)/School Library System
The School Library System and Learning Resources Center provides access to a wide variety of material and services to meet the needs of educators in our member school districts.
Learn more about Learning Resources Center (LRC)/School Library System.
Personnel Recruitment
This service assists local districts in the recruiting process with the purpose of locating educators to work in North Country school systems. This service includes newspaper block ads, advertising through job networks and colleges, data base of available candidates, inclusion in a regional brochure and audio/visual presentation, and possible recruitment fairs. Cross-contract with Franklin-Essex-Hamilton BOCES.
Policy Services
This service provides three levels of school district policy assistance:
- The development of a policy manual;
- The development of an administrative manual; and
- A policy update.
Cross contract with the ERIE I BOCES.
Print Shop Services
The St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES Print Shop provides full printing service to the component school districts. The print shop can save districts time and money on the design, printing, and assembly of a job. The print shop has high speed duplicating equipment, networked color copying system and outsourced press capability for your copying and printing needs. The print shop is capable of a various number of print services that include but not limited to: common core modules, district newsletters, student handbooks, purchase orders, padded forms, school calendars, contracts, stationery and envelopes, program announcements, flyers, graduation programs, posters, and banners.
Learn more about the St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES Print Shop.
Teacher Certification
BOCES provides a shared service on issues related to teacher certification. Review and analysis of academic credentials, evaluation of eligibility for teaching certification, maintenance of certification data on local staff and response to related inquiries are all performed by this office. Available through cross contract with Jefferson-Lewis BOCES.
General certification information can be viewed on the NYSED website.
This service will provide assistance with and evaluation of online application of candidates for NYS Certification in the areas of teaching and pupil personnel services. District staff will receive processing of applications, interpretation of data from TEACH, liaison to NYSED and workshops.
This service will also provide for the inspection and analysis of other claims for credit, determination of eligibility for issuance of teaching certificates, and the maintenance of a close communication between the Division of Teacher Education and Certification and the filed, to insure prompt responses with regard to certification concerns. Assistance is provided to component and neighboring districts and certificated staff in those districts in the area of Temporary Coaching licenses as well.
Section X Athletics
This Interscholastic Athletics Service (Section X) coordinates all of the public junior/ senior high school athletic contests for (18) St. Lawrence/Lewis and (6) Franklin County school districts. Responsibilities include but are not limited to – mentoring/assisting component districts administrators on the rules and regulations of the New York State Education Department and the New York State High School Athletic Association. We also recruit and assist in the training of sport officials for the 19 different sport officiating associations.
Learn more about Section X Athletics.
Shared Facilities Management
This service provides for a shared facilities director to oversee the efficient and economical operation, maintenance, repair, and construction of the physical plant and property of the school district. Functions include the supervision of operations and maintenance staff, long-range facilities planning, development and maintenance of facilities budgets and acting as liaison to SED on facilities needs.
Shared Transportation Director
This service provides a shared transportation director of two or more school districts. Operation includes supervising transportation staff, overseeing the maintenance and repair of all school district vehicles, establishing bus routes, maintaining records for article 19A requirements, assisting in reporting for state aid purposes and developing and managing transportation budgets.
Solid Waste Disposal
A comprehensive waste disposal service including the proper disposal of solid waste, recyclables, scrap metal, etc. A comprehensive Elevator Preventative Maintenance Service is also available for the regular inspection, repair and preventative maintenance of elevators.
State Aid Planning
COSER 612 assists districts in determining accurate State aid forecasting as well as providing workshops for various topics related to state aid.
Cross Contract with Questar III BOCES.
Workers Compensation
This COSER administers benefits and processes the workers compensation claims of participating districts. The service is charged by the level of total payroll of participating districts.